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"Without music, life would be a blank to me." - Jane Austen

Peter Primus Frosch

He started playing drums at age 5. From 1998 until 2009 he had music lessons with Bernd Rommel and Johannes Bohun at the local music school in Heidenreichstein. From Fall 2010 until Spring 2014 he was studying Jazz drums at Konservatorium Wien City of Vienna University under the guidance of Mario Gonzi. Currently he’s doing his master studies at the Royal Conservatory The Hague with Eric Ineke.
In 2012 he participated in the "Fidelio Competition" with one of his projects "Electric Echo - In And Out Of Order". He made it to the finals and won the Audience Award. He also received a "most promising award" by "Marianne Mendt Jazznachwuchs förderung" and won the "New faces of Slovak Jazz" with Lukas Oravec Quartet. In 2013 he participated in the IASJ meeting in Aarhus/DK as a representative of the Konservatorium Wien. In 2014 he was selected as the best drummer of the Generations Jazz Festival and was selected as a member of the All Star Workshop band called Generations Unit. (Jury: Don Friedman, Lewis Nash, Seamus Blake, Adrian Mears) In 2015 he received the Herbert Schedlmayer Jazz scholarship.